
Q: What's the technical term for how fast someone can type instructions into a command line?

A: Their terminal velocity.

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Q: What do you call a college town located in the African savanna?

A: A hippo campus.

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Q: What's another name for someone who worships fried potatoes?

A: A chip monk.

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Q: What do you call french fries that you eat in your hotel room?

A: Suite potatoes.

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Q: Where did the chemist decide to invest his money?

A: In covalent bonds.

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Q: What did the mathematician order at the Italian restaurant?

A: Fibo-gnocchi.

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Q: Why didn't the aliens follow through with their trip to visit Earth?

A: Because nobody wanted to planet.

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Q: Did you know that many people call Las Vegas "Sin City"?

A: I've always wanted to go to Cos County. Or maybe even Tan Township. But definitely not Arcsin Archipelago.

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Q: What do you call a slightly used Christmas tree?

A: Re-fir-bished.

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Q: Have you heard of the new operating system called "Tinted Windows"?

A: Yeah, it's exactly the same as regular Windows except you can't cin.

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Q: What's another name for the contest where scientists tried to be the first to design a replacement for vacuum tubes?

A: The relay race.

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Q: How did the speaker manufacturer respond to claims that their products boosted the treble range of people's music?

A: They called them bassless accusations.

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Q: Why did the man get a lifetime supply of Italian ice cream?

A: He won the gelottory.

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Q: What do you call chilis that have been blessed by a priest?

A: Holy Ghost Peppers.

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Q: What do you call a vehicle that can transport any type of breakfast food imaginable?

A: A universal cereal bus.

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Q: What kind of car do the wealthiest sheep always buy?

A: A Lamb-borghini.

Q: What's the cheapest car that a sheep could buy?

A: A Ewe-go.

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Q: Why did the physics students look forward to the optics unit?

A: There was always a light workload.

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Q: Why did the physics students dread the Electricity and Magnetism unit?

A: There was too much ohmwork.

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Q: Why did the detective return his smartphone to the store?

A: Because he cracked the case.

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Q: Why is it usually hard to understand the comments in someone else's code?

A: Because you can't expect a pro grammer to be a grammar pro.

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Q: What do you call it when you run a database query for the second time?

A: A SQL sequel.

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Q: What was the sysadmin's most impressive party trick?

A: Knowing how to ride a unixcycle.

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Q: What did the programmer buy his wife for her birthday?

A: A Perl necklace.

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Q: What's the best way to pack your suitcase when you need to bring dental products?

A: Use flossy compression.

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Q: What is a bird's favorite way to listen to music?

A: With a FlyPod.

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Q: What do train engineers bring as a snack when they go to work?

A: Rail mix.

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Q: How do physicists experimentally find the density of a body of water?

A: They use a rho-boat.

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Q: What tool should you use to locate a good Greek restaurant?

A: A gyroscope.

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Q: What was the mathematician's New Year's Resolution?

A: To integrate more calculus into her life.

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Q: Where do most homes get built?

A: In house plants.

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Q: How did the electric guitar builder gather materials for his job?

A: He used his pickup pickup pickup.

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Q: Why did the mathematician stop learning about ellipses?

A: He couldn't focus.

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Q: What was the mummy's favorite computer science discipline?

A: Cryptography.

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Q: What did Gollum say when he tried to trace Frodo's Internet traffic?

A: "What has it got in its packetses?"

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Q: What did Noah put on his ark so that he could navigate better?

A: Floodlights.

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Q: What type of medicine should you take before flying into the airport in Los Angeles?

A: LAXatives.

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Q: What was the appliance manufacturer's favorite Led Zeppelin song?

A: D'ryer Mak'er.

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Q: How did the British statistician rate his favorite beverage?

A: He used a tea-score distribution.

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Q: Why did the lion stop watching TV?

A: He didn't like mane-stream media.

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Q: What do you call it when garden statues stop a filibuster?

A: Gnomencloture.

Q: What do garden statue geneticists study?

A: The geGNOME.

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Q: Where did the woodworker put all of his networking equiptment?

A: On a router table.

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Q: What did the biochemist use to connect to the World Wide Web?

A: An ETHERnet cable.

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Q: What did the cryptographer eat for breakfast?

A: Hash browns.

Q: How did the cryptographer improve her hash browns?

A: She salted them.

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Q: Which officer has the most authority in a server room?

A: The Linux Colonel.

Q: How does the Linux Colonel find a laundromat to clean his suit?

A: He uses a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

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